Fulfillment of The Rights and Obligations of The Prisoner's Husband at Class III Correctional Institutions Gunung Tua (Implementation of Marriage Law No.16 of 2019 Amendment to Law No. 1 Of 1974)


  • Mhd Yadi Harahap UIN Sumatera Utara
  • Hafsah Hafsah UIN Sumatera Utara
  • Tarmizi Amin Harahap Indonesia




This research uses qualitative research or field research. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation of the fulfillment of the obligations of husbands who are prisoners to their wives and children. Then it will be analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques, which is a method that describes and interprets data that has been collected in an inductive mindset. The results show that 50% of husbands who are prisoners cannot provide a living for their wives and children, and wives prefer to end their marriages. Meanwhile, another 50% choose to maintain the marriage, because the wife of the inmate can still earn a living with the results of the business she manages. Fulfillment of income is also obtained from the family, both the wife's family and the husband's family.


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Data and Documents

Prisoners' Data Obtained from Class III Prison Gunung Tua Kab. North Padang Lawas, 27 January 2021

Documentation of Types of Crimes and Percentages, Class III Penitentiary of Gunung Tua, North Padang Lawas Regency, August 1, 2021.

Interview with Respondent Nur Hasanah Siregar, At Respondent's House Gunung Tua, April 4, 2021.

Interview with Mora Siregar, at the Class III Gunung Tua Correctional Institution, August 2, 2021.

Interview with Parlindungan Siregar, Riana, in Gunung Tua Kab. North Padang Lawas, August 03, 2021.

Interview with Ms. Aisya, At Gunung Tua Market, Neighborhood II, North Padang Lawas Regency, August 03, 2021.

Interview with Mr. Sodikin, at the Class III Penitentiary of Gunung Tua, North Padang Lawas Regency, August 03, 2021

Interview with Ms. Dwita Ritonga, At Gunung Tua, North Padang Lawas, On August 3, 2021.

Interview with Mr. Tamburan Batubara, at the Class III Penitentiary of Gunung Tua Kab. North Padang Lawas, On August 03, 2021.

Interview with Ms. Indah Muliana, at Pasar Gunung Tua Neighborhood 1, August 03, 2021.

Interview with Mr. Nurdin, at the Class III Penitentiary of Gunung Tua Kab. North Padang Lawas, On August 4, 2021.

Interview with Mrs. Ramida's Family, At Her Home Portibu Julu, On August 04, 2021

Interview with Mr. Baruddin, at the Class III Penitentiary of Gunung Tua Kab. North Padang Lawas, August 6, 2021.

Interview with Mariana's family, in Purbasinomba, August 6, 2021.




How to Cite

Harahap, M. Y., Hafsah, H., & Harahap, T. A. (2021). Fulfillment of The Rights and Obligations of The Prisoner’s Husband at Class III Correctional Institutions Gunung Tua (Implementation of Marriage Law No.16 of 2019 Amendment to Law No. 1 Of 1974). Al-Mashlahah Jurnal Hukum Islam Dan Pranata Sosial, 9(02). https://doi.org/10.30868/am.v9i02.1735

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