KH. Muhajirin Amsari Ad-Dary, Betawi Ulama, Dakwah, Islamic Knowledge, EducationAbstract
Background: Islamic scholars have historically played a vital role in shaping Jakarta’s Islamic landscape, actively contributing to the spread of Islam through education, da'wah, and the establishment of religious organizations. Extending their influence beyond religious matters, these scholars have fostered economic empowerment, cultural preservation, and unity among Muslims in the region. Purpose: This study delves into the contributions of KH. Muhajirin Amsari Ad-Dary, is a distinguished religious figure within the Betawi community, highlighting his pivotal role in advancing Islamic knowledge, da'wah, and social cohesion. Through his scholarly works, da'wah efforts, and community leadership, KH. Muhajirin Amsari Ad-Dary significantly impacted the religious practices, education, and spiritual development of the Betawinese. Method: This research examines his methods and influence, showcasing how he shaped the religious identity and unity of the Betawi community while preserving their Islamic and cultural heritage. Result: By focusing on his legacy in Islamic scholarship and community leadership, this study underscores the enduring influence of Betawi ulama in sustaining religious and cultural identity, positioning KH. Muhajirin Amsari Ad-Dary's contributions are emblematic of the broader impact of Betawi scholars on the development of Islam in Jakarta. Conclusion: KH. Muhajirin Amsari Ad-Dary's contributions exemplify the vital role of Betawi scholars in enriching Islamic education, promoting community unity, and preserving cultural heritage in Jakarta.
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Humaira, Aida, Muh Fudhail Rahman, Andi Yaqub, A. Zamakhsyari Baharuddin, and Nurul Adhha. 2022. “Betawi Ulama’s Perception of The XXI Century Against Contraception Law Controversy in Population Control.” Samarah 6 (2).
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Rusmiati, Elis Teti, M.A.Heryanto Alfudholli, Asep Shodiqin, and Taufiqurokhman Taufiqurokhman. 2022. “Penguatan Moderasi Beragama Di Pesantren Untuk Mencegah Tumbuhnya Radikalisme.” ABDI MOESTOPO: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat 5 (2).
ST, Aji Setiawan. 2021. “Guru Thoriqah Alawiyyin Di Tanah Betawi Abad 20.” The International Journal of Pegon : Islam Nusantara Civilization 6 (02).
Suhaimi, Suhaimi, and Raudhonah Raudhonah. 2020. “Moderate Islam in Indonesia: Activities of Islamic Da’wah Ahmad Syafii Maarif.” Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies 14 (1).
Wijaya, Hengki. 2018. “Analisis Data Kualitatif Model Spradley (Etnografi).” Research Gate, no. March.
Ageeva, G. M. 2023. “Media Analytics in Library Research.” Scientific and Technical Libraries, no. 5.
Ahmad, Zubair. 2020. “K.H. Abdullah Syafi’ie: Ulama Produk Lokal Asli Betawi Dengan Kiprah Nasional Dan Internasional.” Buletin Al-Turas 21 (2).
Anggraeni, Dewi, Ahmad Hakam, Izzatul Mardhiah, and Zulkifli Lubis. 2019. “Membangun Peradaban Bangsa Melalui Religiusitas Berbasis Budaya Lokal.” Jurnal Online Studi Al-Qur’an 15 (1).
Anim, Sarbini. 2023. “Da’wah of Betawi Scholars in the Development of Islamic Society in the 19th-21st Century.” Jurnal Syntax Transformation 4 (4).
Arifin, Samsul, Mukhammad Baharun, and Rahmat Saputra. 2023. “The Role of Ibu Nyai for The Development of Local Community-Based Public Health Services.” El Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam 25 (1).
Derani, Saidun. 2018. “Ulama Betawi Perspektif Sejarah.” Buletin Al-Turas 19 (2).
Fadhil, Abdul, Andy Hadiyanto, Ahmad ` Hakam, Amaliyah Amaliyah, and Dewi Anggraeni. 2019. “Revitalisasi Dan Identifikasi Nilai-Nilai Multikultural Pada Tradisi Lebaran Etnik Betawi Di Kelurahan Cakung Barat, Kecamatan Cakung DKI Jakarta.” Penamas 32 (2).
Farooq Abdullah, Hafiz Muhammad, Lukmanul Hakim, and M. Syahidan. 2022. “Traditionalist Salafi’s Involvement in the Religious Moderation Da’wah.” Islamic Communication Journal 7 (2).
Fathy, Rusydan. 2019. “Modal Sosial: Konsep, Inklusivitas Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.” Jurnal Pemikiran Sosiologi 6 (1).
Fuadi, Moh Ashif. 2023. “Khazanah Ulama Nusantara.” The International Journal of Pegon : Islam Nusantara Civilization 9 (01).
Hendra, Tomi, Siti Amalia Nur Adzani, and Kori Lilie Muslim. 2023. “Dakwah Islam Dan Kearifan Budaya Lokal.” Journal of Da’wah 2 (1).
Hotib, Ahmad. 2020. Kitab Misbah Al-Zaalam Karya Syaikh Muhammad Muhajirin Amsar Al-Daly Dalam Perspektif Dakwah Bi Al-Qalam.
Humaira, Aida, Muh Fudhail Rahman, Andi Yaqub, A. Zamakhsyari Baharuddin, and Nurul Adhha. 2022. “Betawi Ulama’s Perception of The XXI Century Against Contraception Law Controversy in Population Control.” Samarah 6 (2).
Khalili, Samaneh, Arto Kallioniemi, and Khosrow Bagheri Noaparast. 2022. “Characteristics of Human Agency in Liberal and Islamic Religious Education Based on the National Core Curricula of Finland and Iran.” British Journal of Religious Education 44 (1).
Lexy J. Moleong, Dr. M.A. 2019. “Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif (Edisi Revisi).” PT. Remaja Rosda Karya.
Miharja, Deni, M Mulyana, and Ahmad Izzan. 2019. “ISLAM, ETHNICITY, AND THE POLITICS OF CULTURAL IDENTITY AMONG BETAWI MUSLIMS IN JAKARTA.” Jurnal Ilmiah Agama Dan Sosial Budaya 4.
Muliadi. 2023. “Dakwah Pada Masyarakat Transmigrasi Di Kabupaten Mamuju (Studi Dakwah Struktural Dan Dakwah Kultural).” AL-MUTSLA 5 (1).
Octaviani, Adelia. 2022. “From Cafe to the Mosque: The Construction of Dakwah Digital Communication of Shift Community.” Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama Untuk Pemberdayaan 21 (2).
Pribadi, Yanwar. 2019. “The Commodification of Islam in the Market Economy: Urban Muslim Studies in Banten.” Afkaruna 15 (1).
Rachmawati, Tutik. 2017. “Metode Pengumpulan Data Dalam Penelitian Kualitatif.” UNPAR Press, no. 1.
Rahmah, Nur. 2018. “Khazanah Intelektual Ulama Betawi Abad Ke-19 Dan Ke-20 M.” Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan 16 (2).
Rusmiati, Elis Teti, M.A.Heryanto Alfudholli, Asep Shodiqin, and Taufiqurokhman Taufiqurokhman. 2022. “Penguatan Moderasi Beragama Di Pesantren Untuk Mencegah Tumbuhnya Radikalisme.” ABDI MOESTOPO: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat 5 (2).
ST, Aji Setiawan. 2021. “Guru Thoriqah Alawiyyin Di Tanah Betawi Abad 20.” The International Journal of Pegon : Islam Nusantara Civilization 6 (02).
Suhaimi, Suhaimi, and Raudhonah Raudhonah. 2020. “Moderate Islam in Indonesia: Activities of Islamic Da’wah Ahmad Syafii Maarif.” Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies 14 (1).
Wijaya, Hengki. 2018. “Analisis Data Kualitatif Model Spradley (Etnografi).” Research Gate, no. March.
Ageeva, G. M. 2023. “Media Analytics in Library Research.” Scientific and Technical Libraries, no. 5.
Ahmad, Zubair. 2020. “K.H. Abdullah Syafi’ie: Ulama Produk Lokal Asli Betawi Dengan Kiprah Nasional Dan Internasional.” Buletin Al-Turas 21 (2).
Anggraeni, Dewi, Ahmad Hakam, Izzatul Mardhiah, and Zulkifli Lubis. 2019. “Membangun Peradaban Bangsa Melalui Religiusitas Berbasis Budaya Lokal.” Jurnal Online Studi Al-Qur’an 15 (1).
Anim, Sarbini. 2023. “Da’wah of Betawi Scholars in the Development of Islamic Society in the 19th-21st Century.” Jurnal Syntax Transformation 4 (4).
Arifin, Samsul, Mukhammad Baharun, and Rahmat Saputra. 2023. “The Role of Ibu Nyai for The Development of Local Community-Based Public Health Services.” El Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam 25 (1).
Derani, Saidun. 2018. “Ulama Betawi Perspektif Sejarah.” Buletin Al-Turas 19 (2).
Fadhil, Abdul, Andy Hadiyanto, Ahmad ` Hakam, Amaliyah Amaliyah, and Dewi Anggraeni. 2019. “Revitalisasi Dan Identifikasi Nilai-Nilai Multikultural Pada Tradisi Lebaran Etnik Betawi Di Kelurahan Cakung Barat, Kecamatan Cakung DKI Jakarta.” Penamas 32 (2).
Farooq Abdullah, Hafiz Muhammad, Lukmanul Hakim, and M. Syahidan. 2022. “Traditionalist Salafi’s Involvement in the Religious Moderation Da’wah.” Islamic Communication Journal 7 (2).
Fathy, Rusydan. 2019. “Modal Sosial: Konsep, Inklusivitas Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.” Jurnal Pemikiran Sosiologi 6 (1).
Fuadi, Moh Ashif. 2023. “Khazanah Ulama Nusantara.” The International Journal of Pegon : Islam Nusantara Civilization 9 (01).
Hendra, Tomi, Siti Amalia Nur Adzani, and Kori Lilie Muslim. 2023. “Dakwah Islam Dan Kearifan Budaya Lokal.” Journal of Da’wah 2 (1).
Hotib, Ahmad. 2020. Kitab Misbah Al-Zaalam Karya Syaikh Muhammad Muhajirin Amsar Al-Daly Dalam Perspektif Dakwah Bi Al-Qalam.
Humaira, Aida, Muh Fudhail Rahman, Andi Yaqub, A. Zamakhsyari Baharuddin, and Nurul Adhha. 2022. “Betawi Ulama’s Perception of The XXI Century Against Contraception Law Controversy in Population Control.” Samarah 6 (2).
Khalili, Samaneh, Arto Kallioniemi, and Khosrow Bagheri Noaparast. 2022. “Characteristics of Human Agency in Liberal and Islamic Religious Education Based on the National Core Curricula of Finland and Iran.” British Journal of Religious Education 44 (1).
Lexy J. Moleong, Dr. M.A. 2019. “Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif (Edisi Revisi).” PT. Remaja Rosda Karya.
Miharja, Deni, M Mulyana, and Ahmad Izzan. 2019. “ISLAM, ETHNICITY, AND THE POLITICS OF CULTURAL IDENTITY AMONG BETAWI MUSLIMS IN JAKARTA.” Jurnal Ilmiah Agama Dan Sosial Budaya 4.
Muliadi. 2023. “Dakwah Pada Masyarakat Transmigrasi Di Kabupaten Mamuju (Studi Dakwah Struktural Dan Dakwah Kultural).” AL-MUTSLA 5 (1).
Octaviani, Adelia. 2022. “From Cafe to the Mosque: The Construction of Dakwah Digital Communication of Shift Community.” Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama Untuk Pemberdayaan 21 (2).
Pribadi, Yanwar. 2019. “The Commodification of Islam in the Market Economy: Urban Muslim Studies in Banten.” Afkaruna 15 (1).
Rachmawati, Tutik. 2017. “Metode Pengumpulan Data Dalam Penelitian Kualitatif.” UNPAR Press, no. 1.
Rahmah, Nur. 2018. “Khazanah Intelektual Ulama Betawi Abad Ke-19 Dan Ke-20 M.” Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan 16 (2).
Rusmiati, Elis Teti, M.A.Heryanto Alfudholli, Asep Shodiqin, and Taufiqurokhman Taufiqurokhman. 2022. “Penguatan Moderasi Beragama Di Pesantren Untuk Mencegah Tumbuhnya Radikalisme.” ABDI MOESTOPO: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat 5 (2).
ST, Aji Setiawan. 2021. “Guru Thoriqah Alawiyyin Di Tanah Betawi Abad 20.” The International Journal of Pegon : Islam Nusantara Civilization 6 (02).
Suhaimi, Suhaimi, and Raudhonah Raudhonah. 2020. “Moderate Islam in Indonesia: Activities of Islamic Da’wah Ahmad Syafii Maarif.” Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies 14 (1).
Wijaya, Hengki. 2018. “Analisis Data Kualitatif Model Spradley (Etnografi).” Research Gate, no. March.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sarbini Anim, Badrah Uyuni, Zamaksyari Abdul Majid; Sofia Farhany; Mohammad Adnan

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