Effect of Classroom Teaching Skills Module on Chinese Pre-Service Music Teacher’s Teaching Ability


  • Chang Li Li City University Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Mohamad Jafre Bin Zainol Abidin City University Malaysia, Malaysia




ADDIE Model, Classroom Teaching Skills, Preservice Music Teachers, Teaching Ability


In order to strengthen the classroom teaching skills training of pre-service music teachers, improve their teaching ability, and fundamentally reverse the employment difficulties of pre-service music teachers. With the help of ADDIE model, this study designed and developed a classroom teaching skills module through five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. A mixed research method was used to analyze the quantitative data using SPSS software, and the effect of the classroom teaching skills module's intervention on pre-service music teachers was investigated through the comparative analysis of the data before and after the experiment. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were then conducted with a smaller sample to further explore and interpret the study. The results of the study revealed that the classroom teaching skills module had a significant effect in improving the teaching skills of pre-service music teachers. The study attempted to reveal ways in which pre-service music teachers' teaching could be reformed to make pre-service music teaching more responsive to the needs and expectations of the times and society


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