The Potential And Existence of Libraries in Social Change


  • Meri Sasdi Dinas Perpustakaan Dan Kearsipan Provinsi Bengkulu, Indonesia


Library, Potential, Existence, Social Life


Progress is growing in all aspects of life. This can no longer be avoided. One way to survive in a situation like this is to adapt to the times. Technology is one aspect of modern progress that continues to develop in Social Change, whose presence always fills even the smallest gaps, such as libraries. The use of technology in the field of literacy is increasing as technology continues to develop. This is a challenge for libraries to survive or not with these massive changes. Will libraries be able to take part in these technological advances or vice versa? Social media has become a forum for accessing information, and is very popular among Indonesian people. Apart from being able to access existing information, users can also share any information. Findings from Ipsos state that Indonesia is ranked 2nd in terms of sharing behavior on social media, unfortunately many of them do not understand the dangers of sharing too much privacy on social media, known as oversharing. The role of an institution is very necessary to be able to educate the public about privacy. Institutions that have this potential are libraries


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