The Effect of Individual Learning To Technology Capability


  • Reni Shinta Dewi Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Agung Budiatmo Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Dinalestari Purbawati Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Robetmi Jumpakita Pinem Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia



Individual Learning, Technology Capabilities, Work From Home (WFH)


The spread of Covid-19 throughout the world prompted the WHO to establish a pandemic status. This situation encourages the government to make social distancing policies through the work from home (WFH) program. No exception, the Ministry of Education determines the status of WFH from early childhood education to higher education. For higher education, e-learning has become a program in learning, especially in the 4.0 era. However, not all lecturers and students have e-learning capability. The purpose of this study explores individual learning to improve technology capabilities, especially in overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic. The study was carried out throughout Indonesia by distributing questionnaires via a google form. The distribution is carried out for 6 (six) weeks through various networks. The responses from distributing questionnaires were 420 respondents. Data analysis was performed using regression and factor analysis through SPSS. The factor analysis confirms that individual learning consists of three elements (1) recognizing learning opportunities, (2) applying new knowledge, and (3) self-directedness. The result shows that individual learning has an effect on technology capability, and applying new knowledge has a greater effect to achieve technology capability. This finding supports Cognitive Learning theory, which states that individual learning supports actual behavior change and promotes adaptation to environmental conditions. Individuals may be more motivated through individual learning. Individual learning is a process involving a change in an agent's behavior or knowledge


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