
  • Abdul Latif Samal Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado
  • Nasruddin Yusuf Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado
  • Rivai Bolotio Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado



teachers performance, learning motivation, islamic education teacher


This study attempted to reveal: a) the performance of Islamic education teachers at SMK Islam Yapim Manado City, b) SMK Islam Yapim Manado City students’ learning motivation, and c) contribution size of teachers’ performance to SMK Islam Yapim Manadoo City students’ learning motivation.Research population is all the students of SMK Islam Yapim Manado City. Sampling using random cluster sampling. The data collecting using closed list quesionare. Data respondent is students. The validity testing of instruments using construct validity. The reliability testing of instruments is done with internal consistency testing with Cronbach Alpha technique. The data analysis technique includes descriptive and inferensial analysis. The inferensial analysis using partial correlation and regression. All the analysis using SPSS program forWindows.Based on the descriptive analysis results can be known that the performance of Islamic education teachers at SMK Islam Yapim Manado City good category (61.5%). While the SMK Islam Yapim Manado City students’ learning motivation of Islamic education teacher generally in the high category (48.5%). Based on the results of regression analysis found determinan coefficients (R2) = 0.353. Test results of F obtaining the value of F = 13.508 (sig = 0.000 <0.05). Because the significance is smaller than 0.05, means that the influence of these are very significant. Based on the calculation above can be concluded that the performance of teachers in the classroom significantly affect the learning motivation of students at SMK Islam Yapim Manado City. The amount of the variable of teachers’ performance contributions to students’ learning motivation as much as 33.3%. Thus the research hypothesis which states that: "The performance of teachers in the classroom has a positive and significant effect on students’ learning motivation" can beaccepted.


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