Ma'had Al Ghorowi Bogor is a ma'had who has a tahfizh program. The majority of Santrinya are able to read the Koran properly. The purpose of this study is: to find out the process carried out by mudfar tahfizh in Ma'had Al Ghorowi Bogor, the strategies carried out by mudarris tahfizh, the results achieved, and to know the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in increasing the memorization of the Koran in Ma'had Al Ghorowi Bogor. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with valid data through interviews, documentation, observation, and triangulation. The results of the study include: 1. the process carried out mudarris tahfizh at Ma'had Al Ghorowi Bogor are: Transferring knowledge, listening, correcting readings, recording memorization reports, controlling. 2. the strategy used: Determine the target of memorizing students, improve reading, control, motivate, muraja'ah system. 3. by using this strategy can achieve the target quite satisfactorily. 4. Supporting factors: Mudarris skills, systems created, and the environment and facilities. 5. inhibiting factors are: The ability of students, motivation, psychology, and problems with others.
Keywords: implementation, mudarris, memorization, Qur'an, student.References
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