The essence of the employment relationship is wages, the rewards given by the employer to workers in an employment agreement. The work egreement contains the amount of wages and the time the wages were paid. If the wages are late paid at the specified time, then the right of workers to receive wages is not fulfilled well by the employer. The purpose of this research is to find out the views of wahbah az-zuhaili about the law of giving wages with food perspective of the related maqasid sharia in the case. The type of research, is research conducted in the field or norms in positive and sharia law that apply. Law number 13 of 2003 concerning manpower in article 1number 3 provides the meaning of work of labor is “every person who works for a wage or other forms of remuneration,†assertion of compensation in any form is necessary because wages have been given with money, even though there are also workers or workers who receive compensation in the form of goods.
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