Analysis Of Islamic Criminal Law On Legal Sanctions For Alcoholic Beverage Business Actors
Liquor (Al-Khamr) is a drink that can reduce consciousness so that it can make someone who drinks it drunk. In Indonesia, the legal system used is a positive legal system and of course also different from the Islamic criminal law system. Therefore, this paper is made to see how the view or legal perspective between positive law and and Islamic criminal law regarding liquor or khamr. To see how these two legal systems view, about liquor. Based on this analysis, it was found that liquor or khanr is very harmful to the human body so that it is regulated in positive law and has even been forbidden in Islamic law and Islamic law has been formulated to realize and maintain five basic objectives, namely, religion, soul, reason, honor and offspring, and property. Therefore, man should not do things that he already knows that are harmful to himself and others including his own family.
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