Compilation of Islamic Law Article 53 concerning the marriage of pregnant women out of wedlock give space to the practice of adultery outside marriage. Where a woman who is pregnant before carrying out a marriage contract, whether pregnant due to rape or pregnancy because of sexual intercourse, likes to be married, is allowed to have a marriage by the man who impregnates her. In the Clause it reads: "Marriage of a woman who is pregnant out of wedlock with a man who impregnates her can be held without waiting for the birth of her child first. With the marriage being carried out when a woman is pregnant, no remarriage is needed after the child is born. " The approach used is normative method, juridical and social psychology. The jurists differed on the law of marrying a pregnant woman. A very strong opinion in the solution of premarital pregnancies from a woman is the opinion expressed by the Hanbali school, which states, that the law of marrying a pregnant woman is permissible under several conditions: 1. Her pregnancy is over (with the birth of her child), or the 'iddah run out 2. Repent with repentance nashuha.
Keyword: compilation of Islamic law, pregnancy outside marriage.
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