Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) is one of the political organizations that has a distinctive Islamic view. Among the fatwas about Islamic law that are typical are issues relating to law being civil servants. The method used in this study is the method mix method. Mixed methods is a research method that combines or combines quantitative methods and qualitative methods to be used together in a research activity to obtain more comprehensive, valid, reliable and objective data. With the conclusion that the PNS law is the perspective of HTI it is not permissible, because according to HTI it is the same as ta'awun for ignorance and kesyirikan. Because the profession of a civil servant is very much tied to the state, where HTI itself strongly rejects the Indonesian government system, including everything in it. In the interview conducted by the author to one of the HTI individuals who are civil servants, the authors get answers where they think the most important ones are not in the system.
Keywords: HTI, legal civil servants.References
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Sumber dari Internet
https:// khalifah000. pengertian-khalifah/, 29 April, 2012 pukul 3:08 pm.
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