Comparison of International Halal Certification Management


  • Zulham Zulham Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan



The purpose of comparing the implementation of halal certification in various countries is to compare the framework of international halal certification arrangements, as well as halal certification arrangements in Indonesia. This article compares the management of halal certification in Malaysia, Singapore, and Israel with the implementation of halal certification in Indonesia. In addition, it is related to international halal certification regulations (in certain countries), international halal certification bodies, international halal certification monitoring, and international halal certification law enforcement.


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Chief Rabbinate of Israel Law 5740-1980.

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Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs Number 519 of 2001 concerning the Implementing Institution for Halal Food Inspection; Set in Jakarta on November 30, 2001

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The Order Regarding Trade (Halal Acquisition and Marking) 2011 was reported in the Warta Kerajaan Persekutuan Number P.U.(A)431/2011, dated December 30, 2011.

Trade Description (Halal Description) Order 2011




How to Cite

Zulham, Z. (2021). Comparison of International Halal Certification Management. Al-Mashlahah Jurnal Hukum Islam Dan Pranata Sosial, 9(02).