BIMBINGAN DAN BISNIS HAJI SETELAH IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM E-KTP: Analisis Peran dalam Membimbing Kemandirian Jemaah Haji Reguler di Kota Tangerang


  • Muhamad Mas'ud Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf Tangerang
  • Iman Fadlurrohman Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf Tangerang
  • Rosbandi Rosbandi Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf Tangerang



This research is a qualitative research and uses a normative type of analysis in the form of library research. The author will examine the discussions of scholars published in books and in journals related to Hajj. This study aims to describe the Hajj Guidance and Business After the Implementation of the E-KTP Program: Analysis of the Role in Guiding the Independence of Regular Hajj Pilgrims in Tangerang City. Hajj is one part of the five pillars of Islam that contains high spiritual values. Although Hajj and Umrah have spiritual values, their implementation and implementation is always related to other activities, including business and economics. Business and economic activities in the field of Hajj have been known since the colonial era, along with the increasing interest of Indonesian Muslims to perform Hajj. The development of Hajj services in Indonesia can be mapped into 4 (four) periods, namely: first, the Dutch colonial period, the second Hajj period after independence, the third, the 1966 to 1998 period, and fourth, the 1999 to present Hajj period.
The number of pilgrims in Tangerang City was more in the 2011/2012 hajj season (1,907) than in the following years. Meanwhile, on the other hand, the number of Muslim residents has increased annually in the city of Tangerang. In this case, the determining factor is the governor's authority to determine the quota that has been distributed to the provincial level. KBIH activities in the city of Tangerang in carrying out guidance services and the hajj business continue to run normally despite the implementation of the e-KTP program


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How to Cite

Mas’ud, M., Fadlurrohman, I., & Rosbandi, R. (2023). BIMBINGAN DAN BISNIS HAJI SETELAH IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM E-KTP: Analisis Peran dalam Membimbing Kemandirian Jemaah Haji Reguler di Kota Tangerang. Al-Mashlahah Jurnal Hukum Islam Dan Pranata Sosial, 10(02).