The Sharia Concerning Hajj Based on Syar'u Man Qablana Approach (An Analysis of History and Maqashid Sharia)
Hajj is extraordinary worship in Islam and can be categorized as ancient worship, because the Hajj was performed long ago during the time of Prophet Ibrahim' alayhi sallam. As the people of the Prophet Muhammad salallahu' alayhi wasallam. who came later were also required to carry out the Hajj even he was the fifth pillar of Islam (pilgrimage for those who could) This Shari'a is valid because no one is abrogating even Allah subahahu ta'alah through his word in the Qur'an sura Ali Imran verse 97 emphasizes that performing the hajj is a human obligation to God, that is for those who are able to travel to the temple. Hajj is a Shari'a brought by the previous prophet in the term of jurisprudence known as Shar'u Man Qablana. This study uses the Syar'u Man Qablana approach, which is by observing verses or propositions regarding the relationship between Islamic Shari'a and the previous Ummah about the Hajj in the Ushul Fiqh Method. The aim is to give understanding to the public and academics to understand the essence of hajj as a pilgrimage in Islam and to give an understanding of the theory of sha'a man qablana to know about hajj as a law ordered by God in the Qur'an. This paper is expected to add to the scientific treasures, especially in the matter of the implementation of the pilgrimage. The results showed that the Hajj was a Shari'a from the Prophet Ibrahim which continued to the Prophet Muhammad. Hajj Pilgrimage which still applies to the people of the Prophet Muhammad. called shyar'u man qablana which is the laws of God brought by the Prophets / Apostles before the Prophet Muhammad SAW applies to their people at that time. The Hajj which is the Shari'a of the Prophet Ibrahim applies to the people of the Prophet Muhammad. because there is no proof of abrogation. The pilgrimage, which was originally the Shari'a of the Prophet Ibrahim As, was then prescribed also to the people of the Prophet Muhammad. accompanied by improvements and additions. One of the ritual elements that are developing is the issue of miqat (eating and eating). All of this is intended so that humans more fully appreciate the meaning of surrender completely to Allah.
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