Filosofi Mior Dadin sebagai Internalisasi Pendidikan Karakter Peserta Didik di Kecamatan Doreng Kabupaten Sikka
This research is motivated by an understanding of the importance of character education and its application to students in elementary schools. By adopting Mior Dadin as a philosophy that comes from the local wisdom of the Sikka community, this study aims to introduce Mior Dadin as a cultural treasure that needs to be preserved in its implementation to students in elementary schools. The research took place in several elementary schools in the Doreng District, which acted as pilot schools in the implementation of Mior Dadin. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results showed that most pilot schools had made Mior Dadin the main activity for developing the character of students and used it as teaching material or teaching material for teachers in the classroom. Mior Dadin is also integrated with efforts to introduce and develop other local cultural elements, such as traditional games, cultural arts, and local crafts so that students can gain a lot of knowledge and skills that come from these cultural elements.
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Wawancara dengan para narasumber di lokasi penelitian pada April dan Mei 2021.
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