DIALOG ERISTIS DAN FALASI LOGIS (Analisis Dialog Musa as dan Firaun dalam Surat al-Syua'rÄ [26]: 16-29)
Falasi Fira'unAbstract
This article aims to list the defects of Pharaonic logic in dialogue with Moses and Aaron and categorize the types of pharaonic dialogue in The Theory of John Woods and Douglas Walton. The method used is the study of literature with the approach of philosophy of logic. As for the discussion is the interpretation of scholars to surat Al-Syua'rÄ [26] verses 16-29. The conclusion in this study that the dialogue of Pharaoh with Moses and his brother eristic dialogue type. While Pharaoh's logic defects in arguing include: Argumentum ad Populum, Argumentum ad Consequentiam, Norm of Reciprocity, Argument by Emotive Language, historian's Fallacy, Fallacies of False Analogy, Negating Antecedent and consequence, Red Hearing, Moving the Goalposts, Special Pleading, Stereotyping, Invincible Ignorance Fallacy, Argumentum ad Hominem and Argumentum ad Baculum
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