
  • Syahruddin Kadir Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, UIN Alauddin Makasar Indonesia



The study was aimed at identifying the elements of maslahah and measuring the process and result performances by using maslahah scorecard in determining the performance of the PT Tirta Fresinda Jaya (TFJ) of Gowa. The methods employed in this study were qualitative methods with a study design through observation, interview, and documentation. The analyzed and interpreted through sthree stages, namely; data reduction, data presentation, data verification and drawing conclusion with qualitative descriptive analysis technique.  The findings revealed that there were seven elements of maslahah existing in the TFJ. These included worship, internal process, labor, learning, assets, customers, obedience and the sustainability. These eight orientations found and behavior in this study had the maslahah foundation in realizing the strategic objectives to achieve the maslahah. The TFJ enough to implement the benefit process and be able to provide benefits to internal dan external even through it not full. The addition of obedience and the sustainability orientation in this research had an implication for the sustainability process of a company that combined internal and external elements to the organization. Through Maslahah scorecard approach applied to the TFJ of Gowa, it could be identified the existence of the maslahah values.

Keywords: performance, maslahah scorecard.


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How to Cite

Kadir, S. (2019). PENGEMBANGAN PENGUKURAN KINERJA DENGAN PENDEKATAN MASLAHAH SCORE CARD. Ad-Deenar: Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Islam, 3(01), 79–102.


