
  • Haryono Haryono STAI Al Hidayah Prodi Perbankan Syariah




One indicator of the progress of Islamic banking is the ability to produce financial products that are able to compete in the national and even international markets. Economists view Islamic banking products today as still unable to compete. In fact, some seem to copy-paste conventional products. Even though there are many contract components in Islam that can be formulated to produce products that are not less interesting than conventional products. This combination of single contracts that form the formula of the new contract is known as Al-Uquud Al-Maaliyah Al-Murakkabah. In general terms it is often called hybrid contract. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and refute the views in academic acceleration that hybrid contracts are absolutely prohibited in Sharia. In summary, if the Hybrid Contract formula does not contain usury, gharar, dzulm, maisir or various other kinds of prohibitions, then back to the law as long as muamalah. Namely Al-Aslu fil Mua'malah Al-Ibahah or the original law of the muamalah contract is permissible. The method used in this paper is the library research or library study. The conclusion of this paper is the importance of the innovation of Islamic banking products on a Hybrid Contract basis. The hope is that these products can compete in the market while answering the dynamics of the times. In addition, this paper also offers several hybrid contract development solutions as the basis for Sharia Banking Products.

Keywords: multi contract, hybrid contract, double contract, product innovation.


Sumber dari Jurnal

Journal SEBI (2010). “Inovasi Produk Perbankan Syari’ah Beberapa Catatan kritis. (Islami economics dan finance journal), 03(1).

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Sumber dari Internet

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How to Cite

Haryono, H. (2019). DINAMIKA DAN SOLUSI PENGEMBANGAN MULTI AKAD (HYBRID CONTRACT) SEBAGAI BASIS PRODUK PERBANKAN SYARIAH. Ad-Deenar: Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Islam, 3(01), 17–36. https://doi.org/10.30868/ad.v3i01.498


