As an effort to create a generation of Islam that has Qur'anic insight, it is to educate from the age of the child so as to instill a high love for the Koran and try to learn it well. The field of education and teaching has a very important role. Because membca Alquran including worship that will get a reward from Allah SWT. Therefore, reading the Qur'an requires truth, fluency, and fluency in the sense that it is in accordance with the rules of recitation. The purpose of this study is, (1) To find out more clearly the application of the UMMI method at SDIT Kaifa Bogor; (2) To find out the ability to read the Koran of students at SDIT Kaifa Bogor; and (3) To find out the fluency and fluency of students reading the Koran at SDIT Kaifa Bogor. The research method used is a qualitative naturalistic method because the research was carried out in natural conditions. Broadly speaking, the data in this study are collected and clarified into qualitative data, namely observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Among the specifications of the Ummi method is the use of a learning model that enables the management of the class to be very conducive so that it becomes an integration of Koran learning that is not only cognitive. The method is divided into 4 (four), namely: private / individual, individual classics, reading classics, and pure reading classics. The results of the research in the field, researchers see quite effective this method was taught by Ummi teacher at SDIT KAIFA Bogor. In the Koranic learning model, in addition to being interesting in its learning methods, students can also be helped by teaching aids and Kitabaty's books to listen to the reading taught by Ummi teachers. Based on the results of interviews with students, the majority of students can understand Tajweed material in the Ummi method. Ummi's method at SDIT Kaifa runs effectively and can be applied by students in the Koran learning process.
Keywords: Ummi, Alquran, SDIT Kaifa.References
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