Tahfidz Alquran Islamic Boarding School Darussunnah Parung Bogor Regency is a school where there are subjects to memorize the Koran. In the implementation of the memorizing learners of the Koran, santri of the Islamic Boarding School of Darussunnah use the halaqah method. Based on this explanation, the authors determined to explore more about how the implementation of the halaqah method in learning to memorize the Koran of the santri in the Islamic Boarding School of DarussunnahParung, Bogor Regency. The results of the study show that: a. The implementation of the halaqah method in the implementation of learning to recite the Koran of the santri in Islamic Boarding Schools Darussunnah Bogor is in the form of a halaqah system, process, and evaluation of learning; b. Supporting factors include guidance from the tahfidz teacher, parental support and the environment, and because they are able to read the Koran; c. The inhibiting factor is the character of different santri, drowsiness, and the need for learning innovation;and d. Efforts to overcome the inhibiting factors include providing motivation, strict teacher guidance, learning how to read the Qur'an and varied subjects.
Keyword: guidance, learning, and varied subjects.References
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